This is our LocJam entry: an Italian adaption of Adventures from Another World, which we somehow managed to complete in time through several interruptions by our respective dwarves and cats (some of whom are pictured below).

The team:

Elena Zaffaroni

High Concept: Rocker with a passion for languages.

Trouble: Two dwarves are constantly on my tail.

Aspects: I speak Finnish; 80s anime expert; I make a mean team with Gaia.

Approaches: Quick +3, Sneaky and Clever +2, Forceful and Careful +1, Flashy +0

Gaia Talamini

High Concept: Chief Engineer of the USS Ursa Major.

Trouble: I fall asleep at the worst times.

Aspects: I forgot Finnish; Driven by ADHD; I make a mean team with Elena.

Approaches: Clever +3, Sneaky and Careful +2, Forceful and Quick +1, Flashy +0

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